Obama Proposes Overhaul of Transportation System

President Obama announced earlier this week that he is putting forth a plan to do a massive overhaul on the nation’s out-of-date infrastructure. The president plans to ask Congress for $300 billion to repair and rebuild highways, railways and other surface transportation projects. His announcement comes at an important time, as funding for transportation projects will run out later this year, and 700,000 jobs could be at risk as a result. The Highway Trust Fund, which pays for federal transportation projects, “will need an influx of $100 billion over the next six years just to maintain transportation spending levels,” according to the Washington Post.


Half of the $300 billion for the infrastructure overhaul would come from corporate tax reform. Currently, federal gas taxes are the primary source of revenue for the Highway Trust fund, but so far there are no plans to raise the taxes, which are 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline, and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel. The trust fund has experienced shortfalls every year since 2008, forcing money for transportation projects to come from other areas of the federal budget. According to the Post, the reasons for the decline include the fact that fuel economy is improving, and less driving on a per capita basis.


Obama transportation


Evan Transportation was founded in 1992 by Jerry Wolfarth, who at the time had over 25 years of experience in the trucking and transportation industry. The initial operation consisted of a few trucks and drivers who were dedicated and professional. The goal of the company was to provide excellent, dependable service.

If you need materials and products moved in the Mid-Atlantic region, contact Evan Transportation. We hire professional drivers with excellent driving records, and maintain a fleet of trailers and vehicles that are reliable and ready to roll. We service the following areas:

  • New Jersey

  • Delaware

  • Maryland

  • Central Pennsylvania and points east

  • West Virginia (eastern part of the state)

  • Northern Virginia

  • Richmond

Contact us today for all of your freight shipment needs or call us at 443-673-3365

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