Posts Tagged ‘pedestrians’

What Can Semi-Truck Drivers Do To Keep Pedestrians Safe?

Friday, October 30th, 2020
What Can Semi-Truck Drivers Do To Keep Pedestrians Safe?

Pedestrians and cyclists should be but aren’t always careful, so there are some strategies semi-truck drivers can follow to keep others as safe as possible around their vehicle.

When people are out on the road, everyone owes everyone some extent of responsibility to keep us all safe. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists should have the sense to keep themselves and others safe, as do semi-truck drivers. Eventually, semi-truck drivers will find themselves in close quarters with pedestrians in high-traffic places, like in a city or town. Pedestrians and cyclists should be but aren’t always careful, so there are some strategies semi-truck drivers can follow to keep others as safe as possible around their vehicle. (more…)