Posts Tagged ‘trucking life’

How is Uber Changing Trucking Life?

Friday, March 24th, 2017
Freight truck on the road

Driver-less vehicles may soon exists, but the trucking industry will continue to thrive.

It’s only been a few years since Uber came along and changed transportation as we know. While the GPS-based mobile phone application continues to prove the most popular in major cities, many people across the US (and in many other countries, with growing numbers) have come to depend on its services to provide their primary means to work and school. It was only a matter of time before the successful start-up company found its way into the freight and trucking arena. So this poses the question, how will Uber’s increasingly-popular method of transportation change trucking life for those who spend most of their life out on the road? (more…)

Making Your Truck a Home Away From Home

Friday, March 10th, 2017
Man driving a truck

There are ways to make your truck feel more like home!

When working in the transportation services industry, all truckers know that they are going to be spending a lot of time on the road, especially behind the wheel of a truck that will come to seem all-too familiar as the route goes on. While there are many options to pass all that time, while also maintaining safety and staying alert, are there ways to make that truck feel more comfortable — your home away from home? There certainly are! And here are a few suggestions to make your next road journey just a little more cozy and familiar. (more…)