Posts Tagged ‘trucking life’

How to Keep In Shape While On the Road

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017
Truck driving is one of the largest occupations in the United States according to the U.S
Department of Labor and also one of the jobs that are the least physically active. While truck
drivers play an important part of our economy and industry delivering packages and products
most drivers can spend up to eleven hours a day driving. Today we are going to discuss some
tips and tricks from to help you stay active on the road.


The Best First Assignments for Rookie Truckers

Friday, June 30th, 2017
career in truck driving

For rookie truckers, there are some ideal first assignments.

The first day at every job is stressful and full of unknowns, and the first day as a

rookie trucker can be even more intimidating. There are several types of jobs
available in the trucking industry for rookie truckers and all of them have different
requirements and options. Here’s what you need to know about the different types
of trucking assignments and which ones are the best fit for rookie truckers.


Tips For Increased Fuel Efficiency

Wednesday, June 21st, 2017
The cost of fuel typically accounts for about 30% of a fleet’s budget. That’s a lot of
gas! Companies use all sorts of methods to try and keep those costs down. There are
apps and various kinds of software geared towards increasing fuel efficiency and
there are even hybrid-powered vehicles. But, what a lot of managers often overlook
is that educating their drivers is actually one of the cheapest methods they can use.

fuel efficiency

Better fuel efficiency practices can save you big time at the pump.


Safe Driving During a Summer Heat Wave

Friday, June 16th, 2017
truck accident

When the summer sun really kicks in, there are specific safety tips to keep in mind out on the road.

The hot weather is here to stay and many drivers are hitting the road to visit

vacation spots throughout the country. When you’re a trucker, that means dealing
with all of the headaches that the heat and all of the drivers cause. Here are some
simple summer tips for safe driving during a heat wave.


What Are the Best Mobile Apps for Truckers?

Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Trucking apps

Recent mobile apps can make life much easier out on the road.

Every industry has to keep up with current technological advances, and the trucking

industry is no different! The current technology keeps us in touch with loved ones,
other drivers, brokers, carriers and the home office. Electronic logs are far more
accurate and have the potential to save loads of time. With all of the tools available,
the search for the right ones may seem daunting. These are just a couple of
suggestions of the more popular apps that are currently on the market.


Can Cell Phone Apps Phase Out Classic CB Radio Communication?

Friday, May 26th, 2017
Distracted Driving is a trucker's worst enemy.

CB Radio is a staple of trucking life — but will cell phones phase them out?

You’ve heard the saying before—there’s an app for that! When it comes to classic CB

radio communication, the way that truckers have communicated amongst each
other for decades, there are many cell phone apps that are claiming to be potential
replacements for the mode of communication. Can cell phone apps ever phase out
classic CB radio communication?


Final Thoughts on That Long Summer Haul

Friday, May 19th, 2017
Man driving a truck

As summer is coming, here are last-minute tips to make that haul a little more fun!

The weather this week is proof that summer is here! The pavement is heating up, drivers are getting a little more ornery, and traffic is creeping closer to bumper-to-bumper as families prepare to hit the beach. Unfortunately for truck drivers, summer driving can feel like anything but a summer vacation. Here are some of our best tips to make your next long summer haul feel more like a trip and less like a chore. (more…)

Summer Tips for Trucker Safety

Friday, May 12th, 2017
truck accident

Summer brings more vehicles on the road, and more safety measures for professional truckers.

Truckers are behind the wheel and driving for long hours. There are some summer tips to help with trucker safety that you should be aware of. A few driving tips will ensure you’re a little safer. (more…)

Turn Your Next Long Haul into an Exciting Summer Road Trip

Friday, May 5th, 2017
truck cab

There are many ways to make your next route a fun summer road trip!

Planning a long haul is the single most important part of the long haul itself! Without the proper planning, you can fall behind, miss your deadline altogether, or run into huge delays along the way. If you are ready to stop being surprised on the road, it’s time to start planning ahead. Here are out best tips for turning your next long haul into a successful road trip. (more…)

Getting into the Trucking Industry

Monday, April 10th, 2017

Breaking into the trucking industry isn’t as simple as showing up, filling out a job application, and driving away in a truck a couple hours later. Instead, it’s full of many different tests to ensure that you are ready for trucking life and all of the dangers it contains. Here is our basic guide to getting into the trucking industry. (more…)