The Uberization of Freight

With technology making communication so easily accessible, standard industries are being rocked by new services. With the creation of Uber, the taxi industry is taking a heavy hit with business. Now, major freight companies are bracing themselves for the possibility of an Uberization of freight.

freight company

If you haven’t heard of Uber yet, here’s a brief summary. An application on your smart device allows you to send for a car driven by an independent contractor. The fees for the drive are charged directly to the credit card of the individual and are cheaper than the typical rate of taxis. Because of the convenience of the application along with the cheaper rates, taxi drivers are noticing a dip in business

So what does Uber have to do with freight? Over the last few months, it has been reported that Waffle House had partnered with to allow drivers and shippers to connect one on one in an instant through an app. Camera services through the phone allows confirmation to be made when receiving and delivering shipments while GPS services on phones allow shippers to track their freight.

While this type of service is still only available on a smaller scale, there is speculation about whether or not these types of services will become available on a larger scale, which could ultimately impact freight and trucking companies. Currently, these types of services are unavailable on a larger scale because drivers are unavailable on such short notice through trucking companies. However, there is the potential for independent drivers to be available on a larger scale.

Evan Transportation was founded in 1992 by Jerry Wolfarth, who at the time had over 25 years of experience in the trucking and transportation industry. The initial operation consisted of a few trucks and drivers who were dedicated and professional. The goal of the company was, and remains, to provide excellent, dependable service.

Contact us today for all of your freight shipment needs or call us at 443-673-3365. We will discuss your tractor trailer options for the freight you wish to ship.

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