What to Expect from your Freight Company

Reliable Freight Service

There are a lot of choices when it comes to picking a freight company when you need product transported. Do you know what you should be looking for and expecting when it comes to your freight company? Here are four important traits you should expect from your trucking company:

  1. Your freight company should deliver your shipment in a timely manner. The delivery should arrive by the given time and in the correct delivery address.
  2. Cheaper isn’t always better. Rates given by the freight company don’t necessarily have to be the lowest, but the most reasonable. Rates should be competitive and should ensure high quality service and the ability to handle emergency situations should they arise.
  3. While your delivery should arrive on time, you should also receive a response from an office quickly. When you have questions about procedures or any concerns with your service, you shouldn’t have to wait for a response from office personnel.
  4. You should be able to trust your driver when they are transporting your shipment. Problems happen and when they do, your driver should be upfront with you instead of sidestepping the issue. Your questions should always be answered without hesitation.

When you hear these four characteristics, you are hearing four main focuses of Evan Transportation. For over 20 years Evan Transportation has been providing excellent customer service within the freight and transportation industry and has worked to develop long term working relationships with our customers. Our drivers and staff have up to 25 years and over of trucking experience and pride themselves on their service. At Evan Transportation we provide freight services for several states such as Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey and will transport various products such as general freight, food products, and steel. We also offer A-1 Trailer and Container services.

Need product transported? Call Evan Transportation today by calling 443.673.3365 or by clicking here!

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