General Safe Driving Tips For Truckers


Truckers should always be aware of these essential safe driving tips.

As we know, being a truck driver takes a lot of skill and focus, and not just anyone can handle a trucking career. It is very demanding work and a lot of hard work and determination. Truck driving is much different than driving a car, and all truckers should always keep these general safety tips in mind while on the road.

3 Points Of Contact

Truckers should always remember the three points of contact rule when entering or exiting the tractor, trailer, or while climbing from the catwalk. The rule simply states that the driver should have at least three points of contact on equipment at all times- either two feet and one hand or two hands and one foot. This ensures that the driver is as safe as possible, and reduces the chance of an incident.

Cruise Control

While car drivers use cruise control on the highways often, truck drivers should not use cruise control in less than perfect conditions. That includes any type of bad weather, traffic, hilly roads with turns, or any road where speed corrections may need to be made.

Safe space

Under ideal conditions, truck drivers should stay a minimum of seven seconds behind a driver on the road. Trucks take a longer time to stop than other vehicles, and keeping a safe distance between the truck and other vehicles is an essential part of a trucker’s job. While driving in dangerous conditions, drivers should keep an even further distance to keep themselves and other drivers safe.

No Distractions

We all know not to text and drive, but truckers need to have all of their focus on driving, and shouldn’t be distracted by anything that will take their eyes off the road. For example, eating, changing the radio, and looking at the GPS all qualify as distracted driving. If truckers need something that will take their eyes off the road and cause a safety hazard, they should pull over to deal with it.


While driving in rain or snow is difficult, driving while looking directly at the sun is very dangerous as well. The sun’s glare can be blinding and cause for terrible accidents. Truck drivers should always have a good pair of sunglasses with polarized lenses nearby to wear any time the sun shines too bright.

For All Your Trucking Needs

Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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