Freight Truck Spring Cleaning Tips

freight truck spring cleaning

Be proud of the way your truck looks after giving it a thorough spring cleaning.

We made it to March! That means that, despite the fact there are snowflakes in the forecast later this week (who let that happen?!), spring is slowly but surely headed our way! You know what that means? You guessed it — it’s time for spring cleaning! Spring cleaning is a great excuse to really give your truck cabin the deep cleaning it’s been craving all winter. Here are some tips for freight truck spring cleaning to revitalize your home away from home.

Messy Eating

Eating on the road is often inevitable when you want to stick to your driving schedule. No matter how careful you are when you’re eating, you’re bound to accidentally drip some ketchup, spill a drink, or at least drop a few crumbs. Crumbs are pretty easy — a handheld cordless vacuum should do the trick, and can even be kept in your cabin year-round if you have room for it. Stains can be a bit trickier, but worth the effort to make your truck look nice and neat. Different stains on different materials can require different treatment, so you’re probably best off searching the web for your combination of spill and upholstery.

Squeaky Clean Exterior

After a long winter full of snow driving and de-icing salts, your truck’s exterior could be in pretty rough shape. Detailing the outside of any vehicle is pretty standard, and we’re pretty sure you know how that goes. You want to start at the top and work your way down — that way you won’t have to start over when dirty water from the top flows down to the bottom. As for finishing goes, be sure to know whether you’re polishing chrome or aluminum and make sure you have the right products for the job. Finally, for spotless windows and windshields, microfiber cloths will prevent splotches and scratches.

Freight truck spring cleaning is a hefty task — it is a pretty large vehicle, after all — but the results will really impress your fleet and will make you feel better about the place where you spend all your time on the road. Not to mention that spending all your time in a cleaner environment is beneficial for your health. Overall, having a clean truck shows that you go the extra mile when you’re going the extra mile.

Evan Transportation Cares About Trucking Safety

Evan Transportation was founded in 1992 by Jerry Wolfarth, who at the time had over 25 years of experience in the trucking and transportation industry. The initial operation consisted of a few trucks and drivers who were dedicated and professional. The goal of the company was to provide excellent, dependable service.

If you need materials and products moved in the Mid-Atlantic region, contact Evan Transportation. We hire professional drivers with excellent driving records, and maintain a fleet of trailers and vehicles that are reliable and ready to roll.

Contact us today for all of your freight shipment needs or call us at 443-673-3365

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