How Truck Drivers Can Protect Their Cargo And Avoid Theft

Learn how truck drivers can protect their cargo and avoid theft while on the road.

Learn how truck drivers can protect their cargo and avoid theft while on the road.

Theft is a huge concern in the trucking industry, and all truckers need to look after their cargo and know how to avoid theft while remaining safe. Continue reading for a few tips on how truckers can protect their cargo and prevent theft while on the road.

Keep Your Eyes Open For Hot Spots

There are certain hot spots on every trucking route that truckers should be aware of. Most hot spots are located in large cities and metropolitan areas where certain factors allow for more cargo-thieving opportunities. One factor is the amount of freight that moves through the area, as places that have large volumes of cargo attract thieves. Unsecured truck stops, major interstate interchanges, and seaports are all popular thieving areas, so it’s crucial for truck drivers to be extra careful when driving through, or avoid these areas altogether.

Protect Your Truck When Stopped

Cargo is especially vulnerable when the truck is stopped, so truckers must keep an even closer eye on their freight when they’re parked. When you stop for the night, visit a truck stop for a break, or are making a delivery, lock up your truck and keep your eyes on it to prevent criminals from breaking in.

Security Technology

Cargo thieves are very innovative with the technology and scams they use, so your trucking company should have security systems and procedures. There are many options for excellent safety and security technology on the market that can protect truck drivers and freight from thieves. The higher the value of your cargo, the more advanced your security system should be!


Another critical way to prevent cargo theft is to keep up with strategic planning and effective communication from one end of the supply chain to the other. Truckers should be planning every step of the delivery, and all key people should be updated and communicated with regularly. Open communication helps to prevent mistakes and ensures that everyone knows precisely what is happening and when. This helps to minimize the chance of something going wrong, and maximize the chance of catching a problem before it’s too late. 

For All Your Trucking Needs

Follow us here at Evan Transportation to get more updates on driving tips and the trucking industry. Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.


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