The Healthiest Diet for Life on the Road

truck cab

The proper diet can boost energy, focus, and overall well-being on the road.

The life of a truck driver is fun for many who pursue the open road, it also provides a sense of freedom as well as great pay and job security, however, it is easy to be unhealthy in this profession. Driving a truck all day, sleeping in your truck, and eating at various truck stops and diners can lead a trucker down an unhealthy path. Without a regular healthy diet and staying stationary for long periods of time, this can have an adverse effect on the body. However, there are ways to stay healthy as a trucker if that is your goal. Doing so means changing any bad habits and being disciplined about it.

Stay Disciplined!

Everyone strives to lead healthier lifestyles, though, this is easier said than done. The main key is to stay disciplined and keep your eating habits to an obtainable schedule. Tips for a healthier lifestyle for truckers can include:

  •  Carrying Healthy Snacks on Board: If you are eating healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, or protein bars, this can help you cut down on your portions for lunch and dinner, make sure you keep snacking to a schedule and not just eating randomly.
  •  Stay Hydrated: Always have water available in your truck if you want to be a health-conscious trucker, and drink it often. Staying hydrated is very important, and water is the best way to hydrate and clean out your body.
  •  Vitamin Substitutes: Include a vitamin regimen in your daily routine. Vitamins will fill in the nutrient gaps and ensure that you are getting what you are missing in your current diet.
  •  Stay Well Rested: Though not an obvious tip to some, a neglected sleep pattern can be detrimental to your diet, especially for a trucker. When you don't sleep enough, your cortisol levels rise. This is the stress hormone that is frequently associated with fat gain. Cortisol also activates reward centers in your brain that make you want food.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind!

With the tips just mentioned which can lead to a healthier diet, it’s important that truckers take care of their bodies also. When you schedule your route for the day, fit in time for a regular walk or jog. Walking and jogging is a great way to exercise your body, get fresh air, relax your mind, get your heart rate up, and your blood pumping. Exercise and diet are necessary additions in a goal to become a healthier trucker.

For All Your Trucking Needs

Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid- Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673- 3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+. every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673- 3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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