Truck Drivers: Be Aware of These Critical Health Issues

Truck Drivers: Be Aware of These Critical Health Issues

The nature of truck drivers’ work can contribute to adverse health conditions and issues.

Truck drivers, you know a career composed of trucking, long-hauls, and deliveries isn’t the easiest or safest occupation. Apart from the risk of road-related accidents, the nature of the work can contribute to adverse health conditions and issues. Fulfilling your work duties means long sedentary days driving stretches of highway while eating quick and easy but not the most nutrition-rich foods. Of course, not all truck drivers’ lives are like this, and individual genetics, as well as other factors, can play a huge role in your health. However, these are a few of the common and critical health issues that many truck drivers face today due to the job.

Skin Cancer

Truck drivers get a lot more sun exposure during their career than one would initially think. Spending long days with their arms or face exposed to sunlight is more likely to cause sunburns and skin cancer. To protect yourself, be mindful of wearing long-sleeved shirts and driving gloves to cover up arms and hands. Keep sunscreen with at least 30 SPF in your cab and remember to apply it often.


A sedentary lifestyle and poor food choices put truck drivers at risk for obesity. If one has a body mass index over 30, they’ll find it more difficult to use their lungs and heart. Obese drivers experience a bevy of health problems that stem from carrying excess weight. Incorporating healthy lifestyle choices like consuming a balanced diet and regular exercise can help prevent this.


Commercial truck driving is a profession filled with high stress, poor sleep, long days of low activity, and many unhealthy food choices. These conditions make diabetes another likely health issue truck drivers should be aware of. If you develop diabetes, managing your check-ups and medication, along with improved lifestyle choices, doesn’t have to cut your trucking career short. 

Heart Disease

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, kills more Americans every year than other several leading causes of death, including cancer and injuries from accidents. In truck drivers, they are more likely to develop high blood pressure or suffer a heart attack. Of course, these health conditions can make drivers more susceptible to other health concerns like stroke or kidney failure. Again, lifestyle changes and taking health check-ups seriously can lower the risk of suffering from these conditions.

Mental Health Problems

A less talked about but relevant health issue among drivers is mental health problems. Trucking is a lonely job, even for those who are introverted and enjoy quiet time to themselves. New drivers can find the feeling hard to cope with, and veteran drivers can feel changes like irritability, anxiety, and depression creep up on them over the years. Taking steps to care for one’s mental wellbeing is just as important as caring for one’s physical health.

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