Helpful Tips For Truck Drivers To Sleep Better

Check out these helpful tips for truck drivers to sleep better.

Check out these helpful tips for truck drivers to sleep better.

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for our mind and body, as a lack of sleep severely impacts our overall health. Sleep deprivation not only results in a lack of focus and productivity the next day, but it is also linked to weight gain, health issues including heart disease, and mood disorders. With their hectic schedules, truck drivers often find that getting quality sleep is a challenge. Continue reading for a few helpful tips to sleep better to ensure you remain healthy and safe while on the road.

Comfort Is Key

Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress makes it very difficult to get a solid night sleep. Many truckers site a bad mattress as their main cause of sleep deprivation, so it’s very important to make the investment in a quality mattress. Sleep improves with a 3 to 6-inch thick foam pad or mattress and will help relieve pain on your neck and back. Your trucking company may provide one or provide incentives for drivers to purchase on your own.


You may have heard that everyone should try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day- and this is an essential tip for those struggling with sleep. The more you move throughout the day, the more melatonin your body produces, and the better sleep you get as your body recovers and restores energy. Drivers have a demanding job that requires long hours of sitting, but do your best to take walks whenever possible, and complete a short workout once a day.


Many of us rely on caffeine in the morning, but it can actually be hurtful to our sleep habits. Caffeine inhibits the production of melatonin, and too much coffee or energy drinks in one day can result in a restless night. Limit your intake to no more than 60 mg of caffeine per day, and don’t drink caffeine within the six hours before bedtime.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep problems may be due to serious conditions, so it’s important to be educated and know what to look for. Drivers who are overweight and have a neck size over 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women are at a high risk of sleep apnea. Other risk factors include loud snoring and smoking. If you believe you may be at risk, be sure to reach out for more education and get tested, as there are forms of treatment that can significantly improve your quality of life.

For All Your Trucking Needs

Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

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