How Truckers Can Ease Stress and Boredom on Long Hauls

Learn how truckers can ease stress and boredom on long hauls.

Learn how truckers can ease stress and boredom on long hauls.

Truck drivers have a difficult job, as they spend most of their days alone on long drives. They also deal with stressful situations, such as traffic jams, the pressure of getting their load delivered on time, finding places to eat and rest, and so on. Whether you on in a stressful situation or find yourself getting bored on a long haul, there are a few tricks you can do to make yourself feel better.

Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation is an easy practice, but can it bring great results for truckers. It is simply the act of focusing your mind on relaxation to reduce stress. Meditation often requires sitting still and closing your eyes, but it’s possible to practice mindful meditation behind the wheel and focusing on the road. Start by sitting comfortably and take a deep breath, and count slowly as you exhale. Then, focus on things that you can control, such as your emotions and feelings, rather than things you have no control over, such as the traffic or bad drivers around you.

Come up with a “power phrase” to say to yourself a few times out loud when you are feeling stressed. It may feel odd at first, but saying the words out loud helps you to believe the message. Something simple like “I got this,” or “It’s not the end of the world” can help lower your stress levels and bring you back to a calm state.

Learn Something New

As for boredom, there are plenty of ways to keep your mind occupied while sitting in traffic. Before you start your drive, download a variety of podcasts about topics that interest you. You can find a podcast on virtually any subject, whether you want to stay informed with current events, your favorite TV show, the sport’s world, or a random subject that you know nothing about. Podcasts can be funny, entertaining, and extremely informative.

If you want to use your brain even more, take the time you spend driving to learn a new language! You can find a variety of language-learning apps on your phone or a CD. These programs won’t require you to pull your focus off the road; you will just listen along and repeat the words out loud. By actively listening and speaking, you will also keep yourself awake to ensure you remain alert and attentive while driving.

For All Your Trucking Needs

Follow us here at Evan Transportation to get more updates on driving tips and the trucking industry. Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. All of our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits, and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google+.


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