Like any professionals, truck drivers should want to do well and build a good reputation and business.
Like any professionals, truck drivers should want to do well and build a good reputation and business. You have to take responsibility for yourself and set goals for your improvement. There are likely several goals or metrics that your trucking company wants you to meet. These possibly overlap with their goals, but if they don’t, you should undoubtedly add these to your list and try to achieve them for every delivery.
Great Fuel Efficiency
Your fuel efficiency is going to be one of the most significant factors affecting your bottom line. Avoid idling if you can and make tweaks to your rig to decrease wind resistance. Make sure that your truck is serviced correctly and your tires are full. Keep track of your fuel efficiency so that if it drops, you’ll know, and you can address it ASAP.
Higher Average Miles
Most truckers will cover a maximum of 2000-3000 miles per week, based on a 70-hour restriction. If your average hours are less than that or even just on the low end of that, figure out ways to bring it up. It helps to make sure you can be focused on driving so that your speeds don’t drop. It also helps to avoid city driving and traffic as much as possible.
Good Time Management
Many trucking parts can be a time sink, including being stuck in traffic and looking for places to park for rest. The experience will help you manage some of these, and planning can help you navigate the rest. It’s impossible to avoid every traffic jam, but knowing about them ahead of time can allow you to plan the use of your time better. Keep track of where you’re losing time and make a plan for how to improve with each new run.
Clean DAC Report
Drive A Check is a reporting tool that grades truckers for accidents, violations, on-time deliveries, pickups, hitting things, damaging accessories, or abandoning their truck. Familiarize yourself with the items on the report and commit to achieving a clean report. You should also read over your account periodically to see if any information is incorrect. This report will be vital to your ability to change to another company if you ever need to.
For All Your Trucking Needs
Follow us here at Evan Transportation to get more updates on driving tips and the trucking industry. Evan Transportation provides trucking and transportation services for clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We can fulfill local or regional deliveries, as well as same-day pick-ups and deliveries. Our operations prioritize efficiency, safety, and your satisfaction with our services. Our drivers and staff are offered competitive salaries, benefits and are guaranteed to be home every day. Interested in finding out more? Visit us online or give us a call at 443-673-3365. For even more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.