How Truck Drivers Navigate Stormy Road Conditions

how to drive during stormy road conditions

Navigating stormy road conditions can become more manageable with these tips.

With all the talk of hurricane Isaias going around, many of us are concerned about our safety. For truck drivers, that means it’s a good time for a refresher on how truck drivers can best navigate those stormy roads. When you’re out on a long trip or just dealing with slick conditions, your safety can be put in real peril. Truckers don’t want to do anything less than a spectacular job, but they also want to make sure they’re safe while doing so. Even once Isaias passes, staying safe during stormy road conditions is always something to be aware of. Truck drivers should take these tips for navigating stormy road conditions to heart when they head out during circumstances that are less than ideal.

Don’t Forget Wind

While the rain is a big deal in and of itself, you don’t want to forget how high winds can impact your truck. Strong winds can end up being a significant risk to truck drivers by pulling, or even flipping, an entire truck. If a truck is pulling a dry van or something similar, high winds can have a considerable effect. 

Avoid High Water and Other Hazards

It might seem like common sense, but truck drivers ought to avoid driving through high water. From all the way up in your cab, it may be difficult to determine just how deep that water is. Likewise, if you see piles of debris, you never really know what’s in there. High winds can push objects around, and you don’t want to plow through anything that could damage your vehicle.

Keep Up With Warnings of Stormy Road Conditions

While it’s essential to keep your eyes on the road, you’ll also want to be on the lookout for any weather warnings. Many modern smartphones will alert you if there’s a state of emergency declared or stormy road conditions ahead. That notification is a good reason to consider taking a different route when possible or delaying shipment to that area for the time being. Find a weather app you like and stay in the loop with the weather conditions, particularly during hurricane season. Don’t forget that the U.S. Department of Transportation also keeps track of road conditions and closings!

Try to Be Flexible

Missing a deadline or feeling like you need to change your schedule can be incredibly stressful. However, when safety is in question, it’s vital that you keep a level head and stay as patient as possible. Weather isn’t predictable, and these things happen. Stay prepared, stay on your toes, and be ready for the plan to change at the flip of a dime.

For All Your Trucking Needs

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