Archive for the ‘Trucking Safety’ Category

Trucking Safety Tips for Semi-Truck Drivers

Friday, July 10th, 2020
Trucking Safety Tips for Semi-Truck Drivers

Trucking safety encompasses more than just smart or defensive driving skills; a lot of it can come down to demonstrating common sense.

As much as we believe that truck driving is a great career path, we also can’t forget to stress how dangerous and difficult the job can be at times. The actions and behavior of semi-truck drivers and other commercial vehicle drivers directly impact the safety of themselves and others on the road. Trucking safety encompasses more than just smart or defensive driving skills; a lot of it can come down to demonstrating common sense. Operating a big-rig like a semi-truck has its share of challenges, so check out these trucking safety tips applicable to all drivers. (more…)

3 Things to Keep In Mind During Delivery of Hazardous Materials

Friday, June 5th, 2020
3 Things to Keep In Mind During Delivery of Hazardous Materials

There are a few essential things to keep in mind when contracted with the delivery of hazardous materials.

At some point, most transportation services will engage in the transportation and delivery of hazardous materials. These hazardous materials are things that can cause damage to the environment or organisms within the environment. Such materials can be solid, liquid, or gas and can range from common household chemicals to industrial-strength substances, any of which require special transportation instructions. There are a few essential things to keep in mind when contracted with the delivery of hazardous materials. (more…)

Defensive Driving for Commercial Truck Drivers

Friday, May 29th, 2020
Defensive Driving for Commercial Truck Drivers

Commercial truck drivers who practice defensive driving must stay active, alert, and engaged.

You may have already heard of this term, but what is defensive driving? Simply put, defensive driving is operating a vehicle passively and reactively to your surroundings and other drivers in order to avoid any incidents. While the definition does imply a passive driving strategy, commercial truck drivers who practice defensive driving actually must stay active, alert, and engaged. Yes, these are all qualities commercial truck drivers should be demonstrating anyway when behind the wheel of a big rig, so what are some defining actions of defensive driving? (more…)

Tips To Fight Fatigue When Long Haul Trucking

Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Tips To Fight Fatigue When Long Haul Trucking

As with any driving based job, some real dangers lurk if drivers don’t take proper care of themselves when long haul trucking.

Taking a seat behind the wheel on a big rig can be a tempting idea. It can be exciting to see different parts of the country while on your routes, and the best part? You might be able to choose your coworkers! However, as with any driving based job, some real dangers lurk if drivers don’t take proper care of themselves when long haul trucking. Chief among them: fatigue. As an essential part of the workforce, let’s read about how truckers can combat the dangerous driving fatigue problem. (more…)

Winter and Holiday Time Trucking Tips

Friday, December 20th, 2019
Winter and Holiday Time Trucking Tips

Winter and holiday time trucking can present its own challenges. Here are some tips to get truckers through it!

For many, the holidays are a time to gather with friends and family. For those in the trucking industry, we know that isn’t always true for us. In fact, many truckers are busier during this time of year and out on the roads, delivering everything that makes the holidays and New Year possible. What’s more, the wintertime is full of its own dangerous driving conditions and weather to navigate. In addition to an extra sense of homesickness during this time of year, trucking isn’t easy but still very necessary. To help, we’ve compiled a few tips for trucking safely in winter conditions and how to add some holiday cheer into the life of a trucker. (more…)

3 Benefits of Getting Truck Dashcams

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019
3 Benefits of Getting Truck Dashcams

Installing truck dashcams can help protect your fleet.

While it’s not the most advanced piece of technology in our modern world, truck dashcams still hold so much value. These devices are a standard in many vehicles and trucking fleets for good reasons. Using truck dashcams to record trucks and truckers on and off the road serves many purposes. The following are three benefits of installing truck dashcams to your vehicle or fleet. (more…)

What To Do If My Truck Breaks Down

Friday, November 15th, 2019
What To Do If My Truck Breaks Down

Do you know what to do in the event your truck breaks down mid trip?

If a truck breaks down, that puts the driver, others, and the condition of the vehicle and freight in danger. Many trucking companies, including Evan Transportation, are cautious with safety practices and keep excellent track records. However, in the event of an emergency where you find your truck has broken down, here are some steps to take. (more…)

Delivering Hazardous Materials

Friday, November 8th, 2019
Delivering Hazardous Materials

Delivering hazardous materials requires some extra considerations.

Another specialized delivery type we’ll be discussing today is the delivery of hazardous materials. Like fulfilling flatbed deliveries or delivering oversized loads, moving hazardous materials is a precarious job within the transportation and trucking industries. Moving liquid or solid hazmats endangers people and the environment if not correctly handled. Beyond exercising safer trucking, there are a few things to consider when delivering hazardous freights. (more…)

Trucking Through Stormy Rainy Weather

Friday, November 1st, 2019
Trucking Through Stormy Rainy Weather

We have some tips for a safer journey when you get caught trucking in heavy rain.

Halloween night 2019 was undoubtedly scary for Maryland: we were hit with strong winds, lightning, and heavy rain! Many truckers would have pulled into truck stops for the night to wait out the showers and get much-needed sleep. But, what happens when a truck driver encounters a sudden storm on the road? The decision then lies between using safer trucking precautions or stopping altogether to wait for better weather. Careful planning before a trip to avoid bad weather is always best. Still, weather changes pretty quickly, and forecasts can be inaccurate. Next time you find yourself caught in stormy and rainy weather on the road, here’s some advice for safe trucking. (more…)

5 Tips for Smart and Safe Parking at Truck Stops

Friday, October 25th, 2019
5 Tips for Smart and Safe Parking at Truck Stops

Here are some strategies for safe parking at truck stops.

In the U.S., many truckers feel there aren’t enough truck stops and safe parking options for their tractor-trailers. On top of Hours of Service regulations, the shortage of parking spaces forces truckers to pull into unsafe or illegal parking spots. Choosing these spots can be dangerous to the driver and others around them. But truckers need ample sleep and to not drive over their allotted 11 hours. To avoid unnecessary hazards and stress of finding safe parking, here are five tips for smart and safe parking at truck stops truckers can use.
